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Bathroom Safety/Bath lifts


Model: MODEL MAU-200140


Battery operated, the Comfort Bather Bath Lift features an inflatable seat and back support, waterproof floating hand control, and lumbar back support.


Cost: $501-$1000
Dimensions: Seat: 23" wide and 17.5 " long
Capacity: 300 lbs
Weight: 4.5 lbs
Other Details: Options include sitting or reclining. A safety feature prevents the Comfort Bather from lowering you down unless there is adequate battery power to raise you back up again. No installation required, the Comfort Bather is portable.


Recommended average = +1.0 Yes (1 rater)
Overall rating average = +2.0 Good (1 rater)
Met expectations average = 0 Met (1 rater)
Device Ratings
Safety average = +2.0 Positive (1 rater)
Ease of use average = +2.0 Positive (1 rater)
Comfort average = +2.0 Positive (1 rater)
Size average = +2.0 Positive (1 rater)
Weight average = +2.0 Positive (1 rater)
Weight capacity average = +2.0 Positive (1 rater)
Ease of adjustment average = +2.0 Positive (1 rater)
Ease of cleaning average = +2.0 Positive (1 rater)
Reliability average = +2.0 Positive (1 rater)
Aesthetics average = +1.0 Somewhat Positive (1 rater)
Portability average = +3.0 Very Positive (1 rater)
Durability average = +2.0 Positive (1 rater)
Quality average = +2.0 Positive (1 rater)
Device Quality
Materials average = +2.0 Good (1 rater)
Integration with environment average = +3.0 Very good (1 rater)
Integration with other devices average = +2.0 Good (1 rater)

Bathroom Safety Goals

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